


2024.5.12 National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day "Everyone pays attention to safety and knows how to respond to emergencies"

Since 2009, with the approval of the State Council, May 12th has been designated as National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day. The establishment of the "Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day" not only complies with the demands of all walks of life for China's disaster prevention and reduction, but also reminds the people to never forget the past and learn from the future, pay more attention to disaster prevention and reduction, and strive to reduce disaster losses.

May 12 this year is the 16th Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day in our country. The theme is "Everyone pays attention to safety and everyone knows how to deal with emergencies - strive to improve the grassroots disaster prevention and avoidance capabilities." May 11th to 17th is Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day. awareness week

At this event, Chengdu Xingxingrong Communications demonstrated for the first time the latest leakage emergency response cart and high-performance isolation fire blanket

The leakage treatment cart can quickly respond to leakage accidents of various disinfection/non-disinfection chemicals, oils, water liquids, etc., effectively reducing the material preparation time for accidents and improving accident handling capabilities

This drill reflects the professionalism of Chengdu Xingxingrong Communications in the field of security emergency response and provides our customers with more efficient and professional solutions for handling related incidents.171557249177617155725098961715572527232

Post time: May-13-2024