

Warmly welcome the leaders of Chongzhou Commerce and Investment to visit our company for research and guidance!

        On 25th July, 2024, Director Zhao of the Chongzhou Municipal Commerce and Investment Promotion Bureau, Chu Jiurong, General Manager of Sichuan Huiyuan Plastic Optical Fiber Co., Ltd., Chongzhou Xinlianhui and other leaders visited our company for investigation and guidance.


         Hu Jinlei, the general manager of chengdu xingxing rong communication company, reported to the leaders our company’s current operating conditions and future innovative development plans

Today’s market is ever-changing. Facing new situations and new challenges, companies will encounter various difficulties and opportunities on the way forward. The attention and concern our superior leaders give us makes us more confident and allows us to actively face the storms and setbacks ahead. We are deeply honored and excited by the presence of all the leaders, and thank you for coming!


Workshop inspection

The leaders went deep into the production workshop to fully understand the entire production process of Chengdu Xingxingrong communication products from research and development to industrialization. The products have broad application prospects, stable product quality, and efficient sales services, which provide the best supporting products for domestic and foreign optical communication products. High praise for work

The arrival of this leadership has brought us great encouragement. We firmly believe that in the future journey, as long as we closely follow the policy guidance, work together, and strengthen our beliefs, we will be able to create a brilliant chapter1722391659958

Post time: Jul-31-2024